
Frequently Asked Questions - Donations/Payments via PayPal

How can I make a donation or payment to Etz Chaim online via credit card, or bank account transfer?

What is PayPal?

What is the relationship between Etz Chaim and PayPal?

Do I need a PayPal account to make a single payment with a Credit or Debit Card?

Do I need a PayPal account to pay via a direct bank account transfer (ACH)?

Do I need a PayPal account to set up a recurring payment, and how do I set up such a payment?

What is the cost per transaction?

How is Etz Chaim notified when I make a payment?

What details are included in payment notifications?

What information does Etz Chaim record about my transaction?

What will a credit card transaction look like on my credit card statement?

Will I receive a confirmation or receipt?

What can I do to make sure Etz Chaim knows why I made a donation or payment?

It's very cumbersome to type in my name, address and card number every time, isn't there an easier way?

What can I do to make sure my transaction is secure?

I have a question or need help with this - who can I contact?